When It's Probably A Good Idea To Consult With An FMLA Attorney

Thanks to The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), employees can be absent from work because of family and medical situations. However, problems can arise for some employees asking for this time off. If you have to deal with any of these scenarios, in particular, seek counsel from an FMLA attorney immediately.  Don't Get Enough Paid Time Off Under the FMLA, employees are supposed to be granted paid time off for medical situations or family emergencies. [Read More]

How Getting Professional Legal Representation Can Help Your International Trade Business

International trade is regulated by national, state, and international trade laws, making it very complicated for most business operators. Besides, the laws keep changing, affecting some import and export regulations. Therefore, you risk getting into trouble with the authorities if you're not conversant with the latest customs laws. Hiring a seasoned customs lawyer is the best way to comply with applicable laws and avoid court battles that could affect your business' earnings and reputation. [Read More]

Why You Might Need To Respond To Written Interrogatories During A Workers' Compensation Case

When your workers' compensation claim is denied, you might turn to a workers' comp law firm, and they might recommend that you file a lawsuit. If this is the case, you might then be issued written interrogatories. These are questions that are issued by the opposing party, which you must answer. However, you will want to consult with your workers' comp law firm before doing so. How the Workers' Compensation Claim Process Works [Read More]

5 Questions You Need To Ask An Employment Lawyer

No matter what kind of profession you have, you deserve to be treated with fairness and respect at your job. Unfortunately, however, some employers may still discriminate or harass their workers for one reason or another. If you are facing sexual harassment or discrimination for your religion, you do not have to stand for it. Your next step is to hire an employment lawyer. Here are some important questions to ask an employment lawyer. [Read More]